Dental Health: Risk Factors & Remedies
Dr LivingoodShare

Most people know the basics of dental health; brush your teeth, visit a dentist, and avoid eating too much candy! But besides these common-sense staples, it’s important to recognize that there are other, potentially more insidious dental health risk factors that can be very difficult to avoid.
For example, some dentists provide patients with metallic implants. Though these can restore the look of one’s smile, metallic implants are risk factors in and of themselves!
With this in mind, let’s take a look at some dental health risk factors and some remedies you can rely on to treat or restore your dental health over the long term.
Risk Factors for Dental Health
Your dental health isn’t something you can take for granted. There are lots of risk factors that can increase your chance of getting a cavity or suffering from general tooth decay and sensitivity. These include:
- Not brushing and flossing your teeth enough. It’s generally recommended that you brush your teeth twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening, and floss once per day to get rid of plaque and bacteria and prevent the formation of cavities.
- Grinding your teeth or eating overly acidic foods. These practices can wear down the enamel of your teeth. The enamel is the protective layer of super-hard material that protects the cores of your teeth against damage. When the enamel is worn down, it can never be fully replaced.
- Getting metallic dental implants. Some dental implants are made of titanium or mercury, both of which can lead to long-term health effects if they are left in your mouth.
Keep in mind, that maintaining proper oral health should be a daily ritual. Large cavities and tooth infections can cause pain before leading to more serious complications which may require a root canal procedure. Therefore, it’s important to have a regular check and take action early.
As you can see, there are lots of ways in which your dental health can become compromised, even if you visit a dentist twice per year.
Signs Of An Infection
A dental infection within or underneath a tooth may be caused by tooth decay or a broken tooth causing the pulp to become infected. The dental pulp contains connective tissue, blood vessels, and large nerves. When this occurs, it can eventually lead to a dental abscess.
You may experience a fever, bad taste in the mouth, or swelling of the gum or jaw when this occurs. If this happens and you can’t reach your dentist, it’s best to visit an emergency room. Leaving a tooth abscess untreated can lead to serious, and possibly life-threatening complications.
Dental fillings may bring about tooth sensitivity which is fairly common. With a tooth filling, the dentist inserts the filling material that eventually protects the tooth. Composite fillings can also be placed when you chip or crack a tooth, or a tooth is broken or worn.
Another type of filling is an amalgam filling, which are silver fillings that have stronger durability than its composite counterparts. Although more durable, amalgam fillings contain mercury which can after a period of time be absorbed into the body and act as a harmful neurotoxin and reproductive toxin in humans. Additionally, a ceramic cavity filling, usually made of porcelain, is more resistant to staining over time than composite as well.
After a filling, some people may experience sensitivity to pressure, air, sweet foods, or cold foods which is typically normal and wears off in a few weeks.
Remedies for Dental Health Issues
Even though you have to keep track of your dental health to avoid some of the worst symptoms, there are lots of effective remedies you can rely on to avoid having to get a root canal! Let’s take a look at some of these natural and holistic remedies now.
Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient practice and is associated with traditional medical techniques in India and other countries. In a nutshell, you swish an antibacterial oil such as coconut or olive around in your mouth to boost oral hygiene and remove bacteria directly.
Oil pulling can sometimes kill bacteria in the mouth and boost your dental health in this way. Furthermore, some types of oil can help to treat diseases like gingivitis through their antibacterial effects.
As a bonus, oil pulling may also reduce bad breath by directly killing some of the 700 different types of bacteria that live in your mouth and produce nasty, sulfuric odors.
The best oils to use are coconut oil, olive oil, or sesame seed oil as these are non-toxic and are antibacterial. Tea tree oil can also be effective, but be sure not to swallow it!
Colloidal Silver Serum
You can also sometimes find colloidal silver serums or sprays like the Livingood Daily Silver Serum. Colloidal silver is simply a serum that includes microscopic flakes of pure silver. These are typically suspended in demineralized water or other mediums.
When you swish colloidal silver serum around in your mouth, the silver acts as an antibacterial agent and can even work as a type of topical wound dressing (for mild cuts or bruises in the mouth, etc.). We offer a colloidal silver serum that’s ideal for this purpose.
Gargle or Swish Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is frequently used as a wound dressing. It can work the same way for your mouth and the surfaces of your teeth!
Your tooth enamel isn’t smooth. Instead, it’s pocketed with thousands of tiny divots and dents. When you swish hydrogen peroxide around in your mouth, the peroxide bubbles in these little dents and can help lift away bacteria and plaque, where it can then be spat out into the sink.
Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide can sweep away and kill bacteria on your tongue, on your gums, and more. Plus, it’s an excellent cleaning agent if you have a small cut or injury in your mouth and want to prevent it from getting infected.
However, it’s important to never swallow hydrogen peroxide, as it can be toxic when ingested and absorbed by the body. Be sure to rinse thoroughly after using hydrogen peroxide to get rid of bacteria and lower your chance for cavities.
Use a Waterpik
A Waterpik is a potentially superior solution to normal flossing. Like regular floss, it cleans away plaque and bacteria in between your teeth and at the gumline. But it’s not as uncomfortable as regular floss and can sweep away bacteria in the small pockets where your teeth meet your gums.
If you struggle to keep up a good flossing routine because of its inherent discomfort, consider purchasing a water pick to maintain excellent dental hygiene. Since water picks use water, there are no side effects to their use!
See an Experienced and Natural-Focused Dentist to Remove Metal from the Mouth
Lastly, we’d also recommend finding an experienced dentist that also focuses on natural remedies or non-toxic solutions for dental problems. You should visit this dentist twice per year for regular cleanings.
Furthermore, ask them to investigate any metallic dental implants you may have in your mouth. They can tell you whether the titanium or mercury in those implants is slowly being worn down and is at risk of being absorbed by your body.
For example, titanium alloy particles can slowly corrode or wear down, leading to titanium deposits throughout your body. This may eventually cause conditions like yellow nail syndrome.
An experienced dentist can remove these implants and replace them with healthier alternatives.
Ultimately, dental health is a lifelong effort and it’s something you have to focus on consistently if you want to see excellent results. But you can take charge of your dental health by following the above strategies, remembering to practice excellent brushing and water flossing techniques at home, and checking out our helpful supplements and serums!
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