Prostate Health: Problems & Remedies
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The prostate is a male-specific organ that assists in the production of semen, which carries sperm from the testicles when men ejaculate. It’s found just below the bladder and in front of the rectum.
The prostate gland is not large, roughly the size of a walnut, but due to its location, it is problematic if something goes awry.
Unfortunately, the growth of the prostate can lead to a number of health side effects. Let’s take a closer look at the specifics of prostate health, explore some common health conditions, and break down ways you can remedy these issues through home treatments or therapeutic efforts.
Common Prostate Health Problems
While there are dozens of distinct prostate health conditions or disorders, some of the most common include:
- BPH or benign prostate hyperplasia. This is the most common prostate disorder in older men; it just means that the prostate is enlarged. This is a natural process that occurs as men get older
- Acute bacterial prostatitis can occur if the prostate is infected by bacteria. This condition is characterized by fevers, pain, or chills with other prostate-related symptoms
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a recurring prostate infection that can be much harder to treat. You may need the assistance of a doctor to treat this condition
- Chronic prostatitis is a common prostate problem and is characterized by pain in the groin, lower back, or penis
Remedies for Common Prostate Problems
Many of the above conditions or disorders can be treated with the assistance of a doctor or medications. However, many other prostate issues can be assisted or even entirely alleviated with homemade or natural remedies and therapies.
Reduce Inflammation and Inflammatory Foods
Right off the bat, one of the best things you can do is reduce inflammation in your body by eliminating inflammatory foods.
Inflammatory foods affect both the gut microbiome and other bodily tissues, including the prostate. Inflammatory foods include overly sugary foods, high-fat foods (especially saturated fat), and meats with lots of hormones or synthetic additives.
Not only can these exacerbate prostate discomfort, but they can also lead to ancillary health conditions like poor cardiovascular health. Do your body a favor and cut these foods out of your diet in favor of healthier options.
Reduce Estrogen
There’s some evidence to suggest that estrogen – the main female sex hormone – is responsible for the enlargement of the prostate. This makes sense because men’s testosterone production decreases as they get older. Thus, the balance of estrogen in their bodies becomes higher.
To slow down the growth of your prostate, limit estrogen in your body by avoiding meats that contain synthetic hormones. Look for grass-fed and organic meats when possible. You should also take steps to exercise more frequently; doing so will boost the amount of testosterone your body produces, making any produced estrogen less effective.
It’s also a good idea to work on eliminating belly fat and similar fat deposits. The more fat you have, the more estrogen your body produces.
Over time, this could lead to a greater likelihood of prostate enlargement in a variety of other uncomfortable symptoms, such as lack of energy, decreased sex drive, hair loss, and more.
As a side benefit of reducing estrogen, you’ll likely feel better and more energized overall!
Try Fasting
Fasting may be able to assist with treating prostate enlargement or discomfort simply by rebalancing your body’s blood sugar levels and resetting its metabolic processes. In some cases, your testosterone production may also be positively affected by fasting once in a while.
There are lots of fasting strategies you can check out, including rotational fasting, intermittent fasting, or fasting using the 16/8 method.
As a bonus, fasting will likely make any weight loss and muscle-building efforts you undergo more successful. Your body will burn fat more quickly and will take advantage of protein more readily.
DIM Metabolism & Hormone Support
DIM or diindolylmethane is a compound naturally created as the body digests cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts or broccoli. However, you can take DIM supplements to positively affect the estrogen levels in your body.
Many men already take these kinds of supplements to alleviate other issues, like acne outbreaks, low testosterone or energy, and more.
Foods For Better Prostate Health
While it’s highly recommended to avoid the consumption of red meats, some dairy products, and processed foods, there are some options below that can help you achieve a healthy prostate.
Here are some foods to consider:
- Wild-Caught Salmon (rich in Omega-3 fatty acids)
- Raw Nuts
- Cold-pressed Olive oil
- Avocados
- Wild-Caught Tuna
- Tomatoes (contain a powerful antioxidant called Lycopene)
If you have an enlarged prostate, be mindful of cutting back on your caffeine and alcohol intake, especially at nighttime.
In the end, prostate issues are impossible to avoid entirely for men. Sooner or later, you’ll experience one or more prostate problems. But you can slow the onset of aging and make major prostate conditions less likely by following many of the remedies described above.
Still have questions about general health or need some guidance on effective high-intensity interval training exercises? Dr. Livingood can help with both of those problems and more!
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