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Your Natural Guide to Alzheimer’s & Dementia

In the face of the devastating conditions of Alzheimer’s and dementia, finding effective measures to help support brain health becomes imperative.

Often referred to as type 3 diabetes, these cognitive disorders have a deep connection to the way our brain processes insulin and utilizes energy.

Watching a loved one lose the essence of who they are is a painful experience, but there is hope in adopting a proactive approach to brain health.

Many people want to know, how can you prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia naturally? Also, what is the holistic approach to dementia?

In this blog post, we explore five natural strategies that could potentially slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

1. Type 3 Diabetes Connection

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Understanding the link between Alzheimer’s and type 3 diabetes is crucial.

The brain relies heavily on insulin for energy processing, and when this process breaks down, it contributes to the onset and progression of cognitive decline.

This insight underscores the importance of an insulin-friendly lifestyle.

2. Insulin-Friendly Lifestyle

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The foundation of potentially preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia lies in adopting an insulin-friendly lifestyle.

This encompasses not only what we eat but also how we move.

Sugar, when consumed excessively or in processed forms, can be toxic to our systems.

Fasting and eliminating processed foods from our diets are effective strategies to support insulin sensitivity.

Movement is equally vital in an insulin-friendly lifestyle.

Exercise, particularly activities that increase vascular blood flow to the brain, optimizes nutrient delivery and oxygenation.

The benefits of regular exercise extend beyond conventional workouts.

Even a 10-minute workout session or rebounding on a mini trampoline can stimulate spinal fluid flow, nurturing the brain’s health.

3. Inflammation Management

Inflammation is a common denominator in the progression of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

An anti-inflammatory lifestyle is key to addressing and possibly reducing the impact of inflammation on the brain.

Omega-3 fatty acids and turmeric, with their proven cognitive benefits, are recommended.

Studies show that omega supplements, sourced from fish, flax, and chia, can significantly reduce cognitive impairment, making them valuable additions to a brain-healthy diet.

4. Healthy Fats vs. Unhealthy Fats

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The composition of the brain is predominantly fat, underlining the importance of providing it with the right fats.

Differentiating between healthy and unhealthy fats is crucial.

Coconut oil, which is rich in caprylic acid, emerges as a star in brain health.

Caprylic acid can be broken down into ketones, which serve as a valuable energy source for the brain.

Avoiding unhealthy fats, such as soybean oil and vegetable oil, is equally essential to preventing congestion and inflammation in the brain.

5. Prioritizing Sleep

In our fast-paced lives, the significance of proper sleep often gets overlooked.

Sleep, however, is a cornerstone in helping reduce the risk of dementia.

This is an important point for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Just like a car engine, the brain has its limits, and overuse without adequate rest can lead to depletion.

The recommendation is clear — prioritize sleep for optimal brain health.

Adequate rest becomes even more crucial when considering the wear and tear our brains endure daily.

The analogy of a car’s limited mileage is relevant here; each day, our brains handle numerous tasks, and proper sleep allows them the essential time to recharge.

Incorporating sleep aids like melatonin or lemon balm can be beneficial for those struggling with sleep disruptions.


In the journey toward preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia, adopting a holistic and natural approach is empowering.

Recognizing the type 3 diabetes connection sheds light on the significance of an insulin-friendly lifestyle.

From dietary changes and regular exercise to managing inflammation and prioritizing sleep, these strategies offer a comprehensive blueprint for maintaining and supporting brain health.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, integrating these natural practices into our lives can help contribute to a healthier, more resilient brain.

By taking proactive steps today, we can help pave the way for a future where the devastating impacts of Alzheimer’s and dementia can be mitigated.

Let’s embark on this journey towards brain health together — a journey that holds the promise of a brighter, more cognitively resilient tomorrow.

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