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The 4 Most Harmful Ingredients In Your Supplements

When choosing supplements, it’s important to look for brands that are making high-quality supplements.

Supplements on the market may be filled with rancid ingredients, unnecessary dyes, and fillers that are often made from toxic substances.

While manufacturers have to be transparent about what they put into their products, this doesn’t mean that the ingredients are safe for your body.

It’s easy to grab a supplement off of the shelf at the store and assume it will do what it’s supposed to.

Without reading the ingredients carefully, however, you’re putting yourself at risk.

To help simplify what you need to look out for in your supplements, here are the top 4 ingredients that you should avoid.

1. Rancid Oils

Oils are delicate in nature and are highly susceptible to heat sources as well as the extraction process used to create them.

Oils like soybean, canola, vegetable, and fish oils are most often rancid in supplements.

When looking for an oil-based supplement, look to see if there is additional flavoring or coloring added, which is used to mask rancid ingredients.

If the capsule has a strong smell, then it’s likely to be rancid.

Consuming rancid oils can make you sick over time, increasing inflammation and free radicals in your body.

2. Food Coloring

Food coloring and dyes are added to supplements to make them more appealing for consumers to consume.

Often found in gummy vitamins, food coloring is also used to hide naturally occurring colors or to fulfill an expectation.

If there are preconceived notions about how a supplement should look, then a manufacturer will add color to increase its appeal.

Because dyes have no nutritional value and can even increase your risk of developing certain diseases like cancer, it’s best to look for a supplement that’s made without added coloring.

Look for organic supplements that take pride in their supplement quality, as Livingood Daily supplements do, to ensure that you’re getting a quality product.

3. Magnesium Stearate

Magnesium stearate is made by combining magnesium and stearic acid, which is most often made from corn.

This compound is used as a lubricant, an emulsifier, and as a binder in supplements and food products.

Magnesium stearate coats the ingredients in a supplement and can reduce the absorption of the supplement’s active ingredients.

While studies continue to study the effects of magnesium stearate in the body, it’s known that it can cause bowel spasms if it’s consumed in higher amounts.

Magnesium stearate isn’t a necessary ingredient in supplements.

To get the full benefits of your supplement and protect your health, you’re better off finding supplements that are made without it.

4. Maltodextrin or Starch

Maltodextrin and starches not only turn to sugar in the body, but they are also often made from cheap sources.

This means that the maltodextrin or starches in your supplement are likely made from genetically modified sources like corn.

These additives are used to sweeten or thicken the supplement, to enhance its taste and appearance.

These unnecessary additives in your supplement don’t support your best health, which is why you should buy supplements that are made without them.

Ensure Your Supplements Are Safe Today!

Supplements are meant to support your health, not hinder it.

This is why it’s important to take supplements that use only the ingredients needed to give you the best results.

Brands like Livingood Daily always have your back, and we’re one that you can trust and believe in.

We’ve done the research, and we make supplements with only the highest standards so that you can experience real health.

If you’re just starting out on your health journey and you would like more ways that you can improve your lifestyle and diet, my book will guide you, making the process simple and easy.

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