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What’s With GERD: 6 Simple Strategies to Help Heal Your Gut

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects millions of people worldwide.

It’s more than just acid reflux; it can lead to discomfort, throat lumps, dental issues, and a whole lot of frustration.

The root cause often lies in a malfunctioning lower esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to creep into the esophagus.

Today, we’ll explore six effective ways to relieve GERD and promote gut healing.

1. Eliminate Trigger Foods and NSAIDs

GERD sufferers must start by eliminating the sources of their discomfort.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, Motrin, and Advil are notorious for causing stomach and gut problems.

They weaken the gut lining, causing ulcers and bleeding.

Instead, consider natural alternatives like turmeric and omega-3 supplements, which have been shown to reduce pain effectively.

2. Adopt a Gut-Friendly Nutritional Approach

Changing your diet is crucial when dealing with GERD. Several foods can trigger or worsen symptoms, so it’s vital to avoid them.

Dairy, spicy foods, gluten, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol are common culprits.

By eliminating these triggers, you can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of GERD symptoms.

Generally, foods with simple ingredients and classic clean eating are the best way to get all of the nutrients you need without upsetting your stomach.

3. Embrace a Gut Reset Protocol

A gut reset is a valuable first step for anyone dealing with GERD.

It involves a structured dietary plan that eliminates irritating foods, cleanses the gut, rebuilds its strength, and identifies specific food sensitivities.

This process can save you money on expensive food sensitivity tests and help you regain control over your gut health.

4. Support Your Gut with Proper Nutrients

To heal your gut, you’ll need to provide it with essential nutrients.

Collagen is particularly effective for sealing the gut, which can be a key contributor to GERD.

Digestive enzymes aid in breaking down food more efficiently, reducing irritation in the gut.

Additionally, probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics play a vital role in restoring the balance of good bacteria in your gut.

Consider incorporating a supplement like GI Support to help your gut recover.

5. Incorporate Proper Breathing Techniques

Breathing might not seem directly related to GERD, but it plays a crucial role.

Correct breathing techniques, such as paced breathing, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates the lower esophageal sphincter.

This stimulation can strengthen the sphincter and help prevent acid reflux!

These exercises can also serve to stimulate the vagus nerve, releasing stress-relieving hormones and settling your stomach.

6. Address Obesity

If you’re struggling with excess weight, it’s time to address it.

Obesity is a significant risk factor for GERD, as it can put extra pressure on the stomach and contribute to acid reflux.

By reducing your overall weight, you reduce the strain placed on your body to support those pounds.

If you’re looking to get started with weight loss, I recommend rotational fasting, a fantastic way to get started!


GERD can be an extremely uncomfortable condition, but there are effective strategies to alleviate its symptoms and promote gut healing.

By eliminating trigger foods, avoiding NSAIDs, adopting a gut-friendly nutritional approach, embracing a gut reset protocol, supporting your gut with essential nutrients, incorporating proper breathing techniques, and addressing obesity, you can take proactive steps toward relieving GERD and achieving better gut health.

Remember that each individual’s experience with GERD is unique, and it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or supplement regimen.

These strategies can be a valuable starting point on your journey to managing GERD and healing your gut.

If you want more tips on supporting your gut health, I would highly recommend checking out my free book!

You can also visit my website, which hosts other articles like this one, nutritious (and tasty!) recipes that you can try, and a community of people who are on their own health journeys.

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