5 Ways to Decrease Inflammation and Fibromyalgia Pain

Living with fibromyalgia can be an uphill battle, with symptoms like inflammation, muscle pain, and weakness often making it a challenging and frustrating condition.

Here are some common questions regarding inflammation and fibromyalgia pain:

  • “How do you calm a fibromyalgia flare up?”
  • “How do you reduce inflammation in fibromyalgia?”
  • “What worsens fibromyalgia pain?”
  • “What not to do if you have fibromyalgia”
  • “Why is my fibromyalgia suddenly getting worse?”

In this blog post, we’ll explore five holistic approaches to help manage fibromyalgia, with a focus on reducing inflammation and alleviating pain.

Redefining Identity

Before delving into specific strategies, it’s crucial to address the psychological aspect of fibromyalgia.

I’m emphasizing the importance of not letting the condition define one’s identity.

Fibromyalgia may be a diagnosis, but it doesn’t encapsulate the entirety of who an individual is.

This shift in mindset can set the foundation for a more proactive approach to managing the condition.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Diet

One of the primary culprits in fibromyalgia is inflammation.

Everything we eat either inflames the system or decreases inflammation.

To combat this, adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is crucial. You can grab a copy of my free book, Make Food Simple, for detailed guidance on this dietary approach.

By making conscious choices about what we eat, we can make significant strides in reducing inflammation and its impact on fibromyalgia symptoms.

2. Omega and Turmeric Supplementation

In addition to dietary changes, I suggest incorporating omega-3 and turmeric supplements to combat inflammation.

These two powerful anti-inflammatories can be combined for a more potent effect.

These natural supplements offer a holistic and effective approach to managing inflammation as opposed to relying on over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or aspirin.

3. Nerve-Related Damage

Fibromyalgia not only creates muscle pain but also involves nerve-related damage.

The communication between the brain and muscles can be disrupted, leading to heightened symptoms.

I emphasize the significance of addressing structural damage that may impede the flow of messages from the brain to the muscles.

This involves getting a proper chiropractic analysis, including X-rays and measurements, to understand the structural nuances.

Correcting issues in the neck curvature, which is often compromised in fibromyalgia cases, is essential for restoring optimal nerve function.

4. Muscle Rehabilitation & Exercise

Pain associated with fibromyalgia often stems from muscle issues.

To address this aspect, I recommend focusing on rehabilitating the affected areas.

Targeted exercises, stretching, and cardiovascular-supporting activities like walking, biking, or swimming can improve blood flow and bring nourishment to your muscles.

While it may seem counterintuitive to exercise when you’re in pain, these steps can contribute significantly to the overall well-being of individuals with fibromyalgia.

5. Advanced Step: Detoxification for Fibromyalgia

Taking a more advanced step in managing fibromyalgia involves considering the connection between toxicity and the condition.

I suggest a daily detox routine and a lifestyle gut reset.

By flushing out toxins and resetting vital organs like the liver and kidneys, individuals can further support their body’s ability to cope with fibromyalgia symptoms.

This advanced approach acknowledges the holistic nature of health and wellness, addressing potential underlying issues contributing to the condition.


In the journey of managing fibromyalgia, adopting a holistic approach that encompasses physical, dietary, and psychological aspects is key.

Redefining one’s identity beyond the diagnosis, coupled with an anti-inflammatory diet, omega-3 and turmeric supplementation, and targeted interventions for nerve and muscle health, can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with fibromyalgia.

For those seeking a comprehensive guide, I suggest exploring my website to find additional resources about making lifestyle changes.

By incorporating these strategies, individuals can embark on a path towards supporting better health and well-being, empowered to navigate the challenges of fibromyalgia more effectively.

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