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Liver Health 101 (How to Help Your Hormones)

Your liver has a far bigger impact on your health than you may think!

Many people struggle with weight management, not realizing that their hormonal balance and liver function could be silently working against them.

Today, we’re going to explore the connection between hormones and liver health and how you can turn these crucial aspects of your body into allies in your journey towards health and vitality.

The Hormone-Liver Connection

Your liver, the top detoxifier in your body, is constantly under strain from our diets and environmental chemicals.

Similarly, our hormones are bombarded by stress, chemicals, and poor dietary choices.

Understanding the relationship between these two systems is crucial for managing weight and promoting overall health.

Common Culprits

One of the most prevalent hormonal issues is estrogen dominance.

This condition can manifest through symptoms like irregular periods, uterine fibroids, breast tenderness, mood swings, and fluid retention in women.

Men may experience decreased urine flow and prostate problems.

Estrogen dominance is often linked to excess fat, particularly in the abdomen. This fat converts testosterone to estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalances in both men and women.

However, for some, the issue may not be excess estrogen but rather low levels of progesterone, making estrogen seem dominant. Focusing on foods that support progesterone production such as chia seeds and quinoa can be a great way to fix this ratio!

Environmental Factors

Our environment plays a significant role in hormonal balance.

Xenoestrogens, found in plastics, tap water, pesticides, and other chemicals, mimic hormones in the body and disrupt the endocrine system. To combat this, it’s crucial to reduce exposure to these harmful chemicals.

Small actions such as installing better water filtration systems, and choosing organic, locally grown options over mass-produced pre-packaged foods, can help reduce our chemical exposure, easing the strain on the liver and allowing it to better focus on balancing hormones.

You Are What You Eat

The most effective way to improve your liver health, however, is through dietary changes.

Focusing on adding more nutritious foods is the best way to support your liver. Some of my top choices include:

  • Colorful vegetables like carrots or red peppers
  • Broccoli Sprouts and Cauliflower
  • Clean protein sources
  • Fermented foods (think Kimchi and Sauerkraut)
  • Leafy greens

However, it’s not just what we add that determines our diet’s success: it’s what we take away. Factors like alcohol or fast food consumption can undo a lot of the progress we make on our ‘good’ days.

Exercise, Detoxification, and Hydration

Regular exercise, particularly high-intensity workouts (also known as HIIT), can help manage insulin levels and support liver function.

Detoxifying practices like infrared saunas and liver cleanses can aid in removing harmful chemicals from the body by helping us ‘sweat them out’.

This also relies on you having sufficient water to be able to flush those toxins away. So remember, always have a water bottle on you, and keep drinking!

A Holistic Approach to Hormonal Health

Achieving hormonal balance and maintaining liver health are crucial steps in managing weight, reducing fatigue, and improving overall well-being. By understanding the interconnectedness of these systems, we can adopt a holistic approach to health. This includes dietary changes, regular exercise, detoxification, and mindfulness of our environment.

If you’re looking for more in-depth information and guidance on balancing hormones and liver health, check out the additional resources in my ebook!

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